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Are we British?
documenting our UK adventure
Canadian Living in the UK

a computer would deserve to be called intelligent
If you want to look at a mansion by yourself, you might need to cry, in public, even if you are not a public cryer. I love crying. I cry...

give me summer
Once again, June is a difficult month for me whilst living in the UK. The weather has been absolutely beautiful, there has been abundant...

it was a nice day for a white wedding
Growing up in Canada, I had an interesting connection with the British royal family. I knew that Queen Elizabeth was observed as the...

my mom (definitely not a mum)
My mother used to make up stories about the little match girl, you know, the one that died, and tell them to my sister and me at bedtime....

4.5 hours
4.5 hours. This is how much time I have between dropping off my three lovely boys at school and picking them up. For the first time in my...

parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme
My new dream, is to move to Scarborough, North Yorkshire, and to dedicate my life to painting, writing, and creating in my studio with...

you like tomato and I like tomahto
I now say tomahto more often than I say tomato. Both in my head and out loud. My kids say tomahto 100% of the time. My partner resists...

so many straws no drinks (a Harry Potter adventure)
We are a family that hoards straws. As the rest of the world goes plastic free and embraces reusable or biodegradable options, we...

Joyous January
Last night, I did something that I had never previously done before. I took my slippers with me to a friend's house. For those of you who...

we'll take a cup of kindness yet
I love New Year's Eve. I love reflecting on a year gone by, I love dreaming of the year yet to come. I love reminiscing about meeting my...
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